We have recently started working alongside Joe’s Jungle Soft Play in Redditch to take over the hosting and maintenance of their website with a view to updating it in both in terms of design and functionality, which will include smoothing the online booking process both for customers and staff alike, syncing up the site and WooCommernce with their POS system and other great ideas that both Caroline the owner and ourselves have, to help build the brand and business.
We also collaborated with Caroline, the owner, to brainstorm and implement additional features that will enhance the user experience and strengthen the Joe's Jungle brand, such as designing and setting up an email newsletter signup process, fully branded and under the identity of "Joe's Jungle Drums." This included the design and build of an automated signup acknowledgement: Sending a welcome email to confirm subscription, along with a consistent look and feel template, ensuring a professional and branded experience for future newsletters and interraction with new customers.
Having visited the soft play centre, we can see at first-hand how the centre works and runs as well as of course lots of little smiling faces. We’re looking forward to helping develop and grow the Joe’s Jungle brand.

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the Association of Indoor Play (AIP)